Oolong – also known as wulong teas – is halfway between green teas and black teas, and yes, it is here that China and Taiwan are their origin. The question arises as to whether we now call Oolong or Wulong? In practice, both terms can be used, both of which are in place – rather the question, which one was first? The wulong name was first used and later the oolong came into use for these teas, but both words are correct, both of us can use boldly.

These lightly fermented twisted and baked teas exist in many “shades” and, even when they are made, many types of drying time and mode are used to make the best tea possible. There is hardly any difference between them. green tea condition and there are some that can be considered almost black tea. There are countless ways to describe the experience and taste of these tea scenes – to say that tea lovers have always wrapped around the oolongs. We are not surprised at this, because it simply comes to them … Taste and fragrant, easy to make delicious and countless health benefits. It also refresher what is due to the caffeine content, so it is quite popular …


Some oolong or wulong tea you could have met:

Pouchong or Pochong

Bai Hao


Dong Ding