
  • Of the many Nepalese teas, it is a light and invigorating black tea. Easy so-called grassy taste and refreshing effect, mild spiciness which makes this Himalayan tea a special experience. Also known as the home of black teas, Nepal provides tea lovers with the most pleasant sweet and slightly spicy flavors and slightly floral aromas / flavors...
  • A well-known part of Nepal in South Asia, adjacent to China and India, is the Ilam area (on the east side of Nepal). Its climatic conditions and the composition and quality of the soil are exactly the same as those of Darjeeling - making it an extremely ideal area for growing tea. Despite the similarities to Darjeeling teas, Sakhira black teas brewed leaf has well-distinguished distinctive Assamese properties. Its delicacy and softness are also similar to the aroma...